
Conference program
Mon, May 28 Tue, May 29 Wed, May 30 Thu, May 31 Fri, Jun 1
8:00 − 9:00 Registration
9:00 − 10:30 Wed till 10:40 Plenary session
  • Barbieri
  • Kobel
  • Kovalskyi
Plenary session
  • Ross
  • Khoze
  • Ghilencea
Parallel sessions
  • cosmology+astro
  • flavour
  • Higgs+supersymmetry
Plenary session
  • Antoniadis
  • Nilles
  • Shih
Plenary session
  • Gunion
  • Romanino
  • Zurek
Coffee break
11:00 − 12:30 Wed till 12:40 Plenary session
  • Ovrut
  • Buican
  • Zwirner
Plenary session
  • Dvali
  • Abel
  • Lüdeling
Parallel sessions
  • neutrinos
  • flavour
  • Higgs+supersymmetry
Plenary session
  • Contino
  • Grojean
  • Raby
Plenary session
  • Feruglio
  • Marconi
  • Buras
Lunch break
14:00 − 16:00 Fri till 15:00 Plenary session
  • Mahmoudi
  • Moroi
  • Falkowski
  • Kamenik
Plenary session
  • Grinstein
  • Komargodski
  • Rattazzi
  • Craig
Parallel sessions
  • dark matter
  • neutrinos+flavour
  • composite Higgs
Plenary session
  • Shaposhnikov
  • Neubert
  • Strumia
  • Taylor
Plenary session
  • Perez
  • Haisch
Coffee break
16:30 − 18:30
Tue till 18:50 Fri 15:30 − 17:30
Plenary session
  • Sarkar
  • Fornengo
  • Volansky
  • Choi
Parallel sessions
  • cosmology
  • theory+miscellaneous
  • supersymmetry breaking
Parallel sessions
  • dark matter
  • extra dimensions
  • LHC+miscellaneous
Plenary session
  • Carena
  • Sanz
  • Wagner
  • Gersdorff
Plenary session
  • Steinhardt
  • Altarelli
19:30 − ... Welcome reception Kazimierzowski Palace Conference dinner Porczynski Art Gallery

Monday, May 28

08:00 Registration
Plenary session 1
09:00 Riccardo Barbieri New flavour phenomena and the Fermi scale
09:30 Michael Kobel ATLAS
10:00 Dmytro Kovalskyi CMS
10:30 Coffee break
Plenary session 2
11:00 Burt Ovrut Phenomenological Heterotic Theory: Standard Models, their Hidden Sector, The Renormalization Group and All That
11:30 Matthew Buican R-Symmetry and Emergent Symmetry
12:00 Fabio Zwirner Quantum corrections to broken N = 8 supergravity
12:30 Lunch break
Plenary session 3
14:00 Nazila Mahmoudi Implications of LHC Higgs and SUSY searches for MSSM
14:30 Takeo Moroi Enhancement of the Higgs mass in SUSY model with extra matters
15:00 Adam Falkowski Interpreting Higgs results
15:30 Jernej F. Kamenik Implications of Charming CP Violation for Flavor Models
16:00 Coffee break
Plenary session 4
16:30 Subir Sarkar The integrated Sachs-Wolfe imprints of cosmic superstructures: a problem for ΛCDM
17:00 Nicolao Fornengo Particles in the sky: new directions in the search for dark matter signals
17:30 Tomer Volansky But What If It’s Not a WIMP? New Avenues for Direct Detection of Dark Matter
18:00 Kiwoon Choi Higgs phenomenology and dark matter in NMSSM with PQ symmetry
18:30 End of session
19:30 Welcome reception Kazimierzowski Palace

Tuesday, May 29

Plenary session 5
09:00 Graham Ross Stitching the Yukawa quilt in the light of the measurement of θ13
09:30 Valentin V Khoze What do we expect from supersymmetry
10:00 Dumitru Ghilencea Fine tuning revisited: status & implications
10:30 Coffee break
Plenary session 6
11:00 Georgi Dvali UV-completion and black hole’s quantum portrait
11:30 Steven Abel Seiberg duality versus hidden local symmetry
12:00 Christoph Lüdeling Anomalies and Remnant Symmetries in Heterotic Constructions
12:30 Lunch break
Plenary session 7
14:00 Benjamin Grinstein Scale without Conformal Invariance in QFT
14:30 Zohar Komargodski Non-Perturbative Tools in Supersymmetric Theories
15:00 Riccardo Rattazzi The a-theorem and the asymptotics of 4D-QFT
15:30 Nathaniel Craig Theories of Natural Supersymmetry
16:00 Coffee break
Parallel session 1 cosmology Parallel session 2 theory+miscellaneous Parallel session 3 supersymmetry breaking
16:30 David Lyth The Inflating Curvaton Stefano Di Chiara Precise Conformal Window and Realization of Miransky Scaling Stéphane Lavignac Supersymmetry breaking through radiative corrections
16:50 Mindaugas Karciauskas The Parity Violating Primordial Curvature Perturbation Roberto Franceschini On the factorization of the scattering of W bosons Pritibhajan Byakti Magic Messengers in Gauge Mediation
17:10 Michal Artymowski Higgs inflation and Loop Quantum Cosmology Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis Twisted compactification of matrix models for superstrings Patrik Svantesson Novel gluino cascade decays and distinguishing SUSY models
17:30 Arron Rumsey Thermal Inflation with an Inflaton Mass Coupled to a Light Auxiliary Scalar Field Martin Holthausen Vacuum Alignment from Group Theory Paweł Pachołek Embedding Z’ models in GUTs
17:50 Tomohiro Matsuda Curvaton Unification Chee Sheng Fong The effective potential for spontaneous breaking of the flavour symmetry James Barnard Scattering composite objects in Seiberg duality
18:10 Mansoor Ur Rehman Higgs-Matter Tribid Inflation Lasma Alberte Massive Gravity on Curved Background Tirtha Sankar Ray The possibility of generating leading order gaugino masses in direct gauge mediation scenario
18:30 Dominika Konikowska Cosmology challenges brane scenarios in AdS5 Maurizio Monaco Tree Level Gauge Mediation Phenomenology in the LHC era
18:50 End of sessions

Wednesday, May 30

Parallel session 4 cosmology+astro Parallel session 5 flavour Parallel session 6 Higgs+supersymmetry
09:00 Kohei Kamada Generalized Higgs Inflation Model Emmanuel Stamou Gauged Flavour Symmetries and their Flavour Phenomenology Stefania Gori Higgs di-photon rate as an indirect probe of susy scalars
09:20 Kyle Allison Symmetries, the nuMSM and cosmology Filippo Sala A U(2)3 flavour symmetry in Supersymmetry Antonio Racioppi Fermiophobic Higgs boson and supersymmetry
09:40 Kristjan Kannike ZN symmetric scalar dark matter Ahmad Tarhini Scaling of the CKM matrix in 5D MSSM Alexandre Arbey Interplay of dark matter searches and LHC data
10:00 Andrzej Hryczuk Electroweak and Sommerfeld corrections to the Wino dark matter annihilation Lorenzo Calibbi Phenomenology of the flavour messenger sector Christoffer Petersson Non-standard Higgs decays and signatures at the LHC from low scale supersymmetry breaking
10:20 Jean Racker Leptogenesis with small violation of B-L Robert Ziegler Gauge mediation beyond MFV Riccardo Torre Gamma + MET Higgs decay from low scale supersymmetry breaking
10:40 Coffee break
Parallel session 7 neutrinos Parallel session 8 flavour Parallel session 9 Higgs+supersymmetry
11:00 Luca Merlo Discrete Flavour Groups, Neutrino Reactor Angle and LFV Margarida N. Rebelo Minimal Flavour Violation with Two Higgs Doublets Michele Papucci Natural Supersymmetry and the LHC
11:20 Nguyen Dinh Dinh The muon-electron conversion on nuclei and TeV scale see-saw scenarios Martin Spinrath Two Approaches for Flavour Models with Large θ13 Marcin Badziak Split sfermions and the Higgs mass
11:40 Aurora Meroni Predictions for Neutrino Masses and ββ0ν-Decay in a SUSY SU(5) × T′ Unified Model of Flavour with large θ13 Paolo Lodone On the direct CP asymmetry in D decays and Partial Compositeness Michael Andreas Schmidt Implications of a SM like Higgs for a natural NMSSM with low cutoff
12:00 Christoph Luhn Neutrino mass models and sizable θ13 Steven Robertson Search for New Physics with BABAR Laslo Reichert Extended U(1)B-L× U(1)R group: Higgs and SUSY spectrum
12:20 C.S. Lim Flavor physics and anomalous interactions in Gauge-Higgs Unification Vinzenz Maurer SUSY Naturalness and GUT Scale Yukawa Coupling Ratios
12:40 Lunch break
Parallel session 10 dark matter Parallel session 11 neutrinos+flavour Parallel session 12 composite Higgs
14:00 Murli Manohar Verma Dark energy between LHC and electroweak scales Antonio Palazzo Testing sterile neutrinos at the solar sector Brando Bellazzini Composite Higgs Sketch
14:20 Pedro Machado Exploring neutrino signals in dark matter detectors Gianluca Blankenburg Neutrino masses and LFV from U(3)5 to U(2)5 in supersymmetry Aleksandr Azatov Probing Higgs at LHC
14:40 Steve Blanchet The impact of substructure in dark matter indirect detection Dario Buttazzo A U(2)3 flavour symmetry in composite Higgs models Dennis D. Dietrich Footprints of strong electroweak breaking in the sky
15:00 Bryan Zaldivar-Montero Interplay between synchrotron and collider bounds on Dark Matter Janis McKenna Searches for new sources of CP violation at BABAR Andrea Thamm Strong Higgs Production at CLIC
15:20 Sofiane Boucenna Light Dark Matter in the Lepton-Specific two-Higgs-doublet Model. Rodrigo Alonso The Potential of Lepton Flavour Violation in a Seesaw Model Pedro Schwaller The Dark Side of the Higgs Boson
15:40 Shinta Kasuya Axino dark matter and baryon asymmetry from Q-ball decay in gauge mediation Dorothea Samtleben The High Energy Neutrino Sky as seen by Antares Bumseok Kyae Hidden Sector Assisted 125 GeV Higgs
16:00 Coffee break
Parallel session 13 dark matter Parallel session 14 extra dimensions Parallel session 15 LHC+miscellaneous
16:30 Alberto Romagnoni Extra U(1) as a source of monochromatic lines from Galactic Center Thomas Flacke Constraining universal extra dimensions with LHC and precision tests Jakub Kuczmarski Testing the mechanism of unitarization in WW scattering at the LHC
16:50 Michael Grefe Indirect searches for gravitino dark matter Miguel Nebot Gomez Standard Model extensions with vector-like quarks: status and prospects Diego Becciolini Interference effects and W' searches
17:10 Laura van den Aarssen Thermal decoupling of Dark Matter and the smallest subhalo mass Matthew Brown Constraining Minimal Universal Extra Dimensions using the Higgs Rakhi Mahbubani LHC Constraints on non-degenerate squarks
17:30 Chris Kouvaris The Dark side of the Stars Paul Archer Implications of a Bulk Higgs in Warped Extra Dimensions Ayres Freitas Model-indepdent new physics analyses at LHC
17:50 Martin Winkler Direct and Indirect Detection of Light WIMPs Jesus M Moreno Probing the Universal Extra Dimension at the LHC Javi Serra Probing the SM with dijets at the LHC
18:10 Oleksii Matsedonskyi Light Top Partners for a Light Composite Higgs Susanne Westhoff Squeezed new physics in top-quark pair production
18:30 Mikulas Gintner Top-BESS model and its phenomenology
18:50 End of sessions
19:30 Conference dinner Porczynski Art Gallery

Thursday, May 31

Plenary session 8
09:00 Ignatios Antoniadis Mass hierarchies in string theory and experimental predictions
09:30 Hans Peter Nilles Heterotic supersymmetry
10:00 David Shih A Complete Model of Low-scale GMSB (with Higgs at 125 GeV)
10:30 Coffee break
Plenary session 9
11:00 Roberto Contino Looking for the Higgs boson without prejudice
11:30 Christophe Grojean Fingerprinting Higgs suspects at the LHC
12:00 Stuart Raby Yukawa unification or MSSM at large tan beta
12:30 Lunch break
Plenary session 10
14:00 Mikhail Shaposhnikov Higgs-Dilaton Cosmology: From the Early to the Late Universe
14:30 Matthias Neubert Higgs physics in a warped extra dimension
15:00 Alessandro Strumia The Higgs weighs 125 GeV – now what?
15:30 Tomasz Taylor Scattering Amplitudes: from QCD to Strings
16:00 Coffee break
Plenary session 11
16:30 Marcela Carena Higgs physics as an indirect BSM probe
17:00 Veronica Sanz Searching for Stops
17:30 Carlos Wagner Implications of a Modified Width of the Higgs Decay into Diphotons
18:00 Gero Gersdorff New contributions to soft terms
18:30 End of session

Friday, June 1

Plenary session 12
09:00 John Gunion Implications for BSM Higgs bosons of LHC Higgs hints
09:30 Andrea Romanino Simple and direct dynamical supersymmetry breaking
10:00 Kathryn Zurek Forward-Backward Asymmetry: Status and Updates
10:30 Coffee break
Plenary session 13
11:00 Ferruccio Feruglio Discrete flavour symmetries after RENO and DAYA BAY
11:30 Umberto Marconi LHCb present results and plans
12:00 Andrzej Buras BSM Models Facing the New LHCb Data
12:30 Lunch break
Plenary session 14
14:00 Gilad Perez The up evolution, news from the frontier
14:30 Ulrich Haisch On the Interplay Between Higgs & Flavor Physics
15:00 Coffee break
Plenary session 15
15:30 Paul Steinhardt Rethinking Cosmology
16:30 Guido Altarelli Particle physics after first LHC results
17:30 End of session

Last update: June 27, 2012, 9:55 a.m.

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